APN, in collaboration with a group of environmental activists and societies participated in a series of events and activities under the "Save Burgush Trees" initiative.
The initiative started with issuance of a declaration sent to the Prime Minister in the name of Jordanian Federation for Environmental NGOs in which they condemn and reject the environmental massacre that resulted in destruction of more than 2,000 long-lived trees in Burgush area by the military in order to build a military college at the site. The declaration was followed by others issued by individual organizations, including APN, asking for the sustainability and protection of natural resources and heritage.
The declaration stressed our support to promote productive sectors and the centrality of civil society participation in the decision making processes.A series of meetings followed, including a press conference at the Engineers Union as well as the "Burgush without Siege" Initiative that aims to urge citizens and families to visit Burgush area every Saturday as a sign of expressing their rejection to the environmental massacre and asking for the removal of the siege surrounding the wild forests being public property which will result in stopping environmental violations in Burgush.APN stressed the need to involve local community in the initiative and hear its voice.
Furthermore, APN suggested changing the slogan of the initiative to become "Yes to the Development of Burgush, No for cutting its trees". In this context, Engineer Razan Zuayter published an article at Al-Ghad daily paper on the "equality of non-development" under the title "Comparison between Burgush and the Jordan Valley".