The Million Tree Campaign (MTC)
Why the Million Tree Campaign?
For over 70 years, the Israeli forces have been uprooting, burning, and stealing millions of olive and other fruit-bearing trees from Palestinian lands. These efforts are part of a systematic movement to displace Palestinians and facilitate the expropriation of occupied land for the expansion of illegal settlements. The Million Tree Campaign (MTC), launched in 2001, replants trees in the Palestinian lands under the slogan “They Uproot a Tree … We Replant Ten".
The significance of the program lies in counteracting Israel’s deliberate confiscation of agricultural lands, which have contributed to high rates of food insecurity and unemployment in Palestine. In addition, MTC helps to develop farmers’ technical abilities to manage and sustain their lands in light of low agricultural and environmental support from Arab and international institutions.
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, more than 3 million trees, mostly olive and citrus trees, were uprooted by Israeli forces between 2000 and 2012.
2014 – Present | Third “Million Tree” Phase in Progress
2008 – 2014 | Second “Million Tree” Phase Accomplished
2001 – 2008 | First “Million Tree” Phase Accomplished

Our projects under the “Million Tree” Campaign in Palestine have addressed the needs of 33,205 farmers and their families, a total of 239,893 beneficiaries from 2000 to 2023.

Implementing the “Million Tree” Projects in Palestine:
The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, in collaboration with civil society organizations within Palestine, replants previously uprooted trees in Palestinian territories and rehabilitates lands to strengthen Palestinians’ resilience and provide them with a sustainable source of income.
- Protect lands from expropriation;
- Enhance food security and the establishment of a self-sufficient source of some crops;
- Create employment opportunities and sources of income;
- Increase access to water sources while increasing water efficiency;
- Halt environmental degradation;
- Raise regional and global awareness and action in support of the agricultural sector in Palestine;
- Influence regional and international policies to better serve Palestinian agriculture and food security.
Target Sites:
- Lands under threat of confiscation;
- Lands affected by the destruction of trees;
- Lands damaged by the Israeli separation wall, illegal settlements and settler bypass roads;
- Lands suffering from water-scarcity;
- Lands left marginalized by donor institutions.
Target Groups:
- Households whose primary breadwinners have lost their jobs or receive low wages;
- Households most severely impacted by Israeli occupation measures;
- Households headed by women;
- Households with individuals with disabilities;
- Households with university students.

APN Partners in Palestine
- Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC)
- The Palestinian Farmers’ Union (PFU)
- Al Nahda Rural Society for North West Jerusalem
- Bethlehem Farmers’ Association
- Palestinian Municipal Councils
- Salfit Development Association
- Handala Cultural Center
- Ahel Association
- Hakoura Association
- Palestinian Farmers’ Association in Al Wusta Governorate - Gaza Strip
- Gaza Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Forum
- Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture
Funding for MTC’s projects is collected through:
- Partnerships with Arab civil society members and organizations, as well as other relevant institutions;
- Partnerships with individuals and private sector companies, which hold a sense of responsibility towards national and social issues;
- Regular fundraising events and the sale of products crafted by volunteers at local exhibitions and crafts markets.