APN Prepares for its Participation in the IUCN Regional Meeting in Kuwait | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
العربية لحماية الطبيعة تستعد لمشاركة فاعلة في الاجتماع الإقليمي لـ (الإتحاد الدولي لصون الطبيعة) في الكويت

APN held a coordination meeting with Said Damhoureyeh, IUCN’s Regional Adviser for the West Asia Region, at its headquarters in the Shmeisani area (2 September, 2019).During the meeting, APN proposed a new and sustainable agricultural project in Jordan to be discussed before the IUCN regional meeting to be held in Kuwait (9-11 September).Razan Zuayter, Co-founder of APN, and Mariam Al Jaajaa, General Director of APN, discussed the possibility of mobilizing previous resolutions that call for the protection of nature in war-affected areas during the meeting in Kuwait.APN also proposed environmental recommendations that target the region's priorities during previous IUCN regional meetings, which where approved by the majority of members in the years: 2004, 2008, and 2016.IUCN is the world's largest environmental network with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It communicates with more than 200 governments, 1,000 non-governmental organizations and over 10,000 volunteers in 160 countries.