The Coordination Committee of the “International Civil Society Mechanism” Meets in Italy | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
اللجنة التنسيقية لآلية المجتمع المدني التابعة لـ"الأمن الغذائي العالمي" تجتمع في إيطاليا

APN, represented by its General Manager Mariam Al Jaajaa, participated in the International Civil Society Mechanism on World Food Security (CFS) meeting in Italy (7-9 May 2019).

She was elected as the representative of West Asia in the Coordination Committee for the second time in the years 2017-2019. 

The meeting focused on the work program of CFS for the coming years, and outlined the strategy of the Civil Society Mechanism to respond to it. Participants also discussed the implementation of the Committee's resolutions on combating food insecurity in the context of wars, crises and occupation, particularly the implementation of the Framework for Action on Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises.

Moreover, Jaajaa was chosen to be a member of a technical committee that follows the implementation of the framework, whose results will be announced in 2020.In her speech during the meeting, Mariam Al Jaajaa stressed that the decisions of the meeting should be translated into practical reality on the ground. She also called for mobilizing civil society organizations to take their role in achieving political commitment of decision makers, which is beneficial for developing countries to achieve their most prominent national interests. 

The meeting also discussed the structure of the organization, its effectiveness on the ground, and APN’s proposal to add new sectoral seats in the organization for societies suffering from war and occupation. In response to that, attendees agreed to organize a sectoral meeting for agricultural and food organizations experiencing these situations as a new step in the construction of this sector. 

The CFS envisions being the most comprehensive international and intergovernmental forum for all stakeholders to work together in a coordinated manner to ensure food security and nutrition for all.

The Committee was reformed in 2009 to guarantee that the voices of other stakeholders in the global debate on food security and nutrition, such as civil society, are heard. It reports annually to the United Nations General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council and the FAO Conference.