"العربية" تزرع 500 شجرة لصالح 5 مزارعين في أراض مقدسية تحيط بها المستعمرات

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature planted 500 trees on 20 dunums near Jerusalem. The tree-planting campaign was supported by REALSOFT Advanced Applications (March 15, 2021).

The 5 farmers who have benefited from the activity are constantly being harassed and threatened by settlers and occupation forces, who carry out incursions on their lands.

These same farmers have expressed how significant this support will be in generating income for their families. They also mentioned that this provides them with moral support in standing up against the struggles of being surrounded by residential and military settlements. Some of them are not even allowed to enter their fields without obtaining a permit from the military camp adjacent to their lands.

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature aspires to protect lands threatened with settlement and confiscation through such activities, which are a part of the Million Tree Campaign (MTC) program.