بدعم من "أبو شقرة".. "العربية" تزرع 200 شجرة في أراض تتعرض لاعتداء استعماري متكرر

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature planted 200 fruit trees on 6 dunums in a village near Ramallah. The occupation has left only 10% of land in the village accessible to its residents. The tree-planting campaign was supported by Abu Shakra Trading Company. 

The trees have benefited 2 farmers who support 16 individuals. The farmers depend on harvest to provide for their children and their education. However, they face frequent threats and attacks by settlers.

According to the Wall and Settlements Resistance Commission, the Israeli occupation has confiscated more than 57000 dunums for the construction and expansion of this settlement, including 90% of the land in that village.