Jordan Commercial Bank and APN plant 200 citrus trees.
البنك التجاري الأردني يزرع 200 شجرة حمضيات في الأغوار الوسطى

APN | Jordan Valley

28 June 2022


Jordan Commercial Bank employees participated, with the APN team, in an agricultural activity in one of the lands of small-scale farmers in the central Jordan Valley, in implementation of the bank’s vision to be engaged in community activities, including environmental activities aimed at addressing climate challenges and contributing to efforts made within the Kingdom to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

The contribution of Jordan Commercial Bank emerged by donating and planting 200 citrus trees that provide the Kingdom’s atmosphere with 23 tons of oxygen annually and reduce 4.4 tons of carbon dioxide gas per year. From an economic point of view, these trees will contribute to enhancing the food security of the farmer who owns the land, and by providing a rewarding material return that will lift them from poverty.