The Cultivation of 4,285 Trees Commence in Jerusalem, Hebron, and Qalqilya Through Partnership with LOYAC-Kuwait

APN | Qatanna, Sa'ir and Azzun – Jerusalem, Hebron and Qalqilya

March 2024


Only a few months elapsed between APN's commencement of planting 4,285 fruit trees and the solidarity event hosted in Kuwait by the LOYAC Foundation and the LOYAC Academy of Arts "LAPA" on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The event featured an olive tree auction, with the proceeds dedicated to supporting tree planting initiatives in Palestine.

As part of the Million Tree Campaign's planting activities in the governorates of Jerusalem, Hebron, and Qalqilya, the villages of Qatanna, Sa'ir, and Azzun saw the planting of 360 trees in orchards situated in Area C and near bypass roads.