APN Plants 150 Trees with the Participation of Peoples with Disabilities in Irbid | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
القافلة الخضراء تفخر بمشاركيها الجدد في اربد "عروس الشمال"

On Saturday 4/3/2017, The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature organized a trip to plant 150 fruit trees for a small-scale farmer in the Um Al Namel Valley - Irbid.

A variety of trees were planted including olive, lemon, peach, cherry and almond.

     A group of members of the Masar Initiative who were also joined by a group of people with disability volunteered to help with the planting. The Masar Initiative organizes hikes across less known areas in Jordan in order to familiarize people with local touristic, environmental and historic treasures in an effort to boost local tourism.