خلال مشاركتها في لجنة الأمن الغذائي العالمي.. "العربية": "الدعم ما زال يتدفق لصالح استدامة الصراعات التي تدمر النظم الغذائية"

From February 9-11, APN and ANFS participated in the 47th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), where an event was devoted to discussing the implementation of the “Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises,” the document approved by CFS after three years of negotiations, in which APN led the international civil society delegation.

The discussion session, attended by governmental representatives and a wide range of food security experts from around the world, included a speech on behalf of global civil society delivered by a representative of the Arab Network for Food Sovereignty (ANFS), Ahmed Sourani from Gaza, Palestine. The speech followed the determination of APN and its partners to ensure Sourani’s right to participate as a Palestinian.

Sorani presented a summary of the recent monitoring report on the Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (FFA), prepared by APN with ANFS and its partners on behalf of the global civil society, that conveyed the reality of food security in countries suffering from wars, conflicts, and occupation.

Sorani, who also spoke on behalf of the Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform, explained the suffering of the Palestinians, stressing the need to find solutions to the roots of conflicts and occupation and reach a just peace, instead of resorting to measures to that simply help people absorb the impacts of conflicts. He also spoke against the continued use of food as a weapon, calling on all parties to end this practice. He called on all international, regional and local parties to take effective action to uphold the FFA in the Arab region and across the world.

During the conference, APN General Manager Mariam al-Jaajaa explained that one of the values of the FFA is the connection it forms between humanitarian and development support and the prevention and resolution of conflicts through root cause analysis and remediation. She stressing the need for CFS to establish an implementation plan for this framework and in consultation with other food security platforms, civil society, and conflict-affected communities.

Al-Jaajaa added, "With deep regret, despite the ratification of this framework five years ago, support continues to flow towards sustaining conflicts that destroy food systems instead of towards a just and sustainable peace." She reminded the attendees that wars are very costly, not only on the human level but on the world economy. She indicated that APN finds itself alone in working to achieve the FFA, calling on all CFS members to contribute to its dissemination and implementation. The countries participating in the conference approved APN’s recommendations on the framework.

Beforehand, APN participated in the preparatory meeting for the 47th session of the CFS at the invitation of the Global Civil Society Mechanism (February 2), during which it presented highlights from its work and its partners work in preparation for the special session to discuss monitoring the implementation of the FFA.


To view the report in Arabic

To view the report in English