"العربية" تدعم مجموعة من "عاملات المياومة" في الأغوار الشمالية

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature supports a group of female agricultural workers who are hired and paid on daily basis in the northern Jordan Valley, particularly in light of the added suffering of the Corona crisis.

The Independent Union of Agricultural Workers in Jordan, represented by its board of directors and its central council, thanked APN for its support of female agricultural day laborers, which had a good effect on their spirits during these exceptional circumstances and considering their wages already fall below the minimum wage.

APN calls for shedding the light on the needs of this group of workers and for real and sustainable solutions to the complex challenges they face. APN also calls for necessary safety precautions and compliance to occupational health standards for these workers, given their exposure to toxic pesticides, which could have lasting effects on their health.

Note that many female agricultural workers were unable to register for government aid provided during the corona pandemic due to the conditions set for the support, increasing their vulnerability and poverty.

You can contribute and support female day workers by visiting our donation page. Click here.