"العربية" تبحث مع اتحاد الجمعيات البيئية جدوى الشراكات الرسمية

General Manager Mariam Al Jaajaa represented APN at a meeting of the Jordanian Federation of Environmental NGOs (July 21, 2020).

Members discussed a partnership with the Ministry of Environment and other official authorities in Jordan. They also discussed partnering with INGOs to implement projects that are granted to the environmental sector in the Kingdom. Another issue they discussed is members collaborating to put together a comprehensive training program.

Al-Jaaajaa said that the ministry would benefit from the experience of NGOs when partnering with them. Partnering with NGOs will decentralize the work of the ministry and make its activities more sustainable.

The Federation of Jordanian Environmental NGOs is the first coalition in Jordan to include NGOs that work on environmental issues and advocate for the right of all Jordanians to live in a safe and sustainable environment. APN has been a member of the federation since it was established in 2014.