"العربية" توصي بإيقاف الحروب ودعم صغار المزارعين خلال مشاركتها في الحوار الإقليمي العربي للنظم الغذائية

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature called for involving civil society networks and organizations working in the agricultural and food production sectors in decisions related to food system policies and allowing them the right to be part of monitoring and accountability processes. 

This recommendation was made at the Arab Regional Food Systems Dialogue. The event was organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in cooperation with the regional offices of FAO, WFP, and WHO, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (29 March 2021).

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature said that local food production systems must become a priority by supporting small farmers and recognizing them as essential partners in achieving food security. It also called for trade integration for food and agricultural commodities in Arab countries while indicating that this could not be achieved without the earnest pursuit of an immediate cessation of wars and inter-conflicts. Otherwise, discussions on sustainable and equitable development will be nothing but "ink on paper." 

This dialogue was organized as a special event within the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development of 2021