"أنتم تحموننا كبشر قبل الأرض".. إحدى المزارعات تعبر عن بهجتها

“My joy today is indescribable,” uttered one of the women who, with APN support, finished cultivating the two dunums of land in Madaba Governorate she rents to invest and care for her family. (June 9, 2020). As part of the Green Caravan Program’s commitment to small farmers, APN provided the project with a 10 cubic meter water tank and enough cucumber seeds to fill two green houses two plastic houses.

APN Project Manager Mohammad Qtaishat explained that our work is driven by the farmers’ joy and the impact we see from providing assistance. He added that our aspirations have expanded to helping an even greater number of farmers which will increase food security and sovereignty in Jordan.

You can contribute and support our agricultural projects in Jordan by visiting our donation page. Click here.