APN’s Annual Participation and Attendance in Souq Jara Bazaar | The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature
"سوق جارا".. حضور ومشاركة سنوية فاعلة لـ"العربية"

On a yearly basis, APN renews its participation in the Souq Jara bazaar that is held every summer in Jabal Amman (June 14 - September 13, 2019). More than 40 volunteers from different ages participated in the booth.

They facilitated the communication of the organization’s mission and objectives to visitors.

Products designed by volunteers were sold and funds were raised to plant more than 370 fruit-bearing trees in Jordan and Palestine in support of the “Million Tree” and the “Green Caravan” programs.Bilal Banat, one of the volunteers in the market, said that the interaction with APN was great, especially with visitors from Arab and foreign countries, pointing out that they were impressed by APN’s work and achievements. He went on saying: “

This interaction was a motivation for us and we felt the importance of the work we were doing.” He also noted the desire of many young visitors to join APN’s team by registering their names to the volunteer list. 

APN anticipates that participating in such activities would further integrate volunteers with the local community and visitors from across the world. It also seeks to raise awareness regarding the environmental issues facing the region, in addition to mobilizing material and moral support for its projects.

This suggests that APN is keen on attending and actively participating in various community activities in Jordan.